Monday, September 12, 2011


Does your phone seem like it dies too fast? Do you hate that your phone charger is just not long enough? Tired of throwing your phone on charger 15 minutes before you leave, so you can have a little longer battery life while your out? How much would you love a wireless phone charger? Now, i know about the wireless charging pads, but those only charge while the phone is resting on the pad. I'm talking about something where you can plug into the wall and your phone and travel a good distance from the wall dock and your phone still charge.
This is a product that can be very useful. Now with this product in use, you can charge your phone and not be restricted to the 8-12 feet of cord. Having your phone on the charger all the time, you never have to leave the house with your phone less than 100%. This problem will solve all the complaints of people's battery life being too short.


  1. Good idea for a concept - however, in this blog post you needed to relate it to the week's lecture about social media and how you would use Social Media to help your idea. Moving forward, please make sure that you tie the two together.

  2. I think a long distance wireless charger is a great idea. I hate how my charger is short, always gets tangled, and pulls out of the wall. It is such an inconvenience, especially when I am running around trying to do a million things. I am not sure if this is physically possibly though because electricity has to be conducted through something. But I definitely think engineers should look into it! Nice idea.

  3. This is a great idea. It seems so obvious yet it still hasn't been out yet. There is pads like you said but still not wireless charging. New technology needs to be invited in order for this to work before then this seems more like a concept. Great idea, hope it works someday!

  4. This is obviously a great idea, and because it seems so obvious it makes me wonder why it has not arisen yet. Is there a chance that we do not have the technology to do this yet? It seems like it would require actually transmitting electricity through the air because electricity is clearly what we use to charge batteries (as opposed to something wireless like the connection from a computer to a wireless printer where signals are sent, not electricity). So if it is possible I hope it arises asap, and you will have a very successful business. You could eventually extend this to charge anything wirelessly (iPod, game controllers, laptops, etc.)

  5. This is a great idea, but technology really limits something like this at the moment. You should keep this idea in mind and keep working on it. You never know what'll happen in the next 10 years !
