Sunday, October 30, 2011

blogger review

this is not quite the idea i had with the wireless charger but this is the closest product tha is out now. i want a little more flexiblity with the range of charging. i want a device that could allow users to walk around a set radius from the charger and still be able to charge.

blogs commented on

a wireless charrger would be a great invention to keep battery lives longer on all cell phones. my cell phone is always dying and im always in dyer need of charger. this access to have my phone always charging when im around the base is key to keeping my battery alive longer. my idea of the wireless charger has grown from the beginnning of this project. through the lectures i now see how much goes into making a single idea reality.

these are the blogs i have commented on.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 4 - charger

Input and output devices are becoming more and more complex as time goes on. The capability of phones now are astonishing. Now you are able to use your phone as a wallet, a source of music, the Internet, so basically it has become a pocket computer. This upgraded technology has to be using more and more power to work as well. With all this time spent on your phone your battery life will sure to disappear fast. This is a time to reiterate the importance of keeping your phone on the charger , and how easily and convientely this task can be done with the availability of a wireless charger.

Week 3- charger

This week in class we discussed hardware of a computer. There are many different tools on a computer to allow you to connect your phone. This blog I want to focus on USB ports and the advantages they allow you. Many phones nowadays allow you to connect and download things from your computer. This process can get annoying because of the short USB wires that require you to stay within 4 feet of the computer. I want to take my idea further and introduce to a wireless USB port charger. I feel as if a this idea will allow you to connect to your computer do what you have to do and then move away from the computer with your phone while it continues to download your new technology.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Looking to find an easy way to track the statics of your battery life? Using excel or a computer generated spreadsheet can help. With pivot tables and graphs can easily help you chart this information.
Now you may be asking how all this is related to a wireless charger? I am very confident that after charting the battery life that you will notice a dramatic after switching from a wired charger. The use of pivot charts and graph is an excellent tool to use to further prove my point that the world needs a wireless phone charger.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Does your phone seem like it dies too fast? Do you hate that your phone charger is just not long enough? Tired of throwing your phone on charger 15 minutes before you leave, so you can have a little longer battery life while your out? How much would you love a wireless phone charger? Now, i know about the wireless charging pads, but those only charge while the phone is resting on the pad. I'm talking about something where you can plug into the wall and your phone and travel a good distance from the wall dock and your phone still charge.
This is a product that can be very useful. Now with this product in use, you can charge your phone and not be restricted to the 8-12 feet of cord. Having your phone on the charger all the time, you never have to leave the house with your phone less than 100%. This problem will solve all the complaints of people's battery life being too short.